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Dear Business Customer!

The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Agency, abbreviated as EHRA, is designed for the search of unskilled and professional workers in one particular industry (tertiary sector). Start HERE…

Frequently Asked Questions:

EHRA Business Customer Environment. Usernames

To save time, using EHRA as a business client begins with the selection of a suitable package HERE… and then (as logged in) with creating a job ad HERE… After entering the job offer, the user is offered the opportunity to review it – or move forward by specifying billing information.

* Please note that an invoice with the value of 0 is also generated with the Free Package.

You can find the other relevant information (after logging in) in the My EHRA drop-down menu:

Managing (changing, deleting) job offers is located HERE…

General account information, including invoice archive, is located HERE…

* After creating an EHRA account, a link will be sent to your email address, which you can use to create a password that suits you. If you have forgotten your password or want to change it, please click HERE…

Publication of the advertisement(s)

Paid ads will be published after the invoice is paid. We start distributing ads within 24–72 hours.

Ad structure:

* The targeted message includes detailed information about the job and work specifics and the requirements for the candidate. Such an ad invites relatively few candidates for the job, but at the same time, they will be more suitable for the position. Meaning that recruitment initiates the so-called self-selection process that allows to reduce later selection costs.
* When recruiting unskilled workers, it is important to include the offered wage in the ad. As a rule, general and esoteric (confusing) style of expression supports the message but does not motivate to apply.

Restaurant Server Service Training (discount for EHRA customers)

Internal training. The Restaurant Server’s Service Training opens HERE… More info by email: valdo.vokksepp [ät] Apologies, we offer training only in Estonian.

EHRA’s requisite information and invoices

Commercial Register Number 10777818
Swedbank Account nr 221017178351
IBAN nr EE10419095
GSM: +372 50 19 179
E-post: info[ät]

Registration number in the register of economic activities of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia is STT000070.

We will send an electronic invoice to your email address immediately after you have selected and confirmed the package. Invoice archive is created (as logged in) in the client’s area, under the subscriptions section.

* Please note that an invoice with the value of 0 is also generated with the Free Package.

Additional questions (we’ll answer you in 24–48 hours, depending on the complexity of the question).

Additional questions are kindly welcome

We’ll answer you in 24–48 hours, depending on the complexity of the question.

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